About NEOtrans Blog
Greater Cleveland economic, real estate, development, construction news
NEOtrans Blog covers the Greater Cleveland region’s economic, development, real estate, construction and transportation news since 2011. We’re a first-and-free resource providing data-rich, precise and deep analytical regional information for the Northeast Ohio region’s economic market trend news.
For people who value being aware of the latest local business movements.
News that’s usually first and always free.

Journalist & writer Ken Prendergast
Local professional journalist Ken Prendergast who loves and cares about Cleveland, its history and its development has worked as a journalist for more than 3 decades for publications such as NEOtrans, Sun Newspapers, Ohio Passenger Rail News, Passenger Transport, and others. He also provided consulting services to transportation agencies, real estate firms, port authorities and nonprofit organizations.
Writing about cities, transportation, history and the people who create these. Cleveland, Ohio, United States
News tips: Ken@neo-trans.blog