Apartments over restaurant, parking planned

A joint venture proposing a four-story apartment building in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood called the Treehouse Apartments, first reported by NEOtrans last month, will go before the City Planning Commission’s Design Review Committee to present their plans this Friday. While the project would add dozens of new housing units to the neighborhood to respond to as-yet unsatiated demand, it would also result in the demolition of three 19th-century houses.
Dalad Group of Independence and Property Advisors Group (PAG) of Beachwood comprise the joint venture along with Geis Companies of Cleveland and Streetsboro as the designer, builder and property manager. Dalad and PAG also hope to start renovation work this spring in Ohio City on the long-planned Franklin Yard project and a new-construction component called Franklin North on Franklin Boulevard at West 32nd Street, adding 57 apartments.
The 43-unit, market-rate apartment building is proposed to wrap around The Treehouse pub and its outdoor patio at the corner of Professor and College avenues, across Professor from St. John Cantius Church. Plans show the new building would measure about 60,000 square feet and feature landscaping on all sides.
Facing Professor will be a 5,470-square-foot restaurant or retail space. No tenant has been named for it yet. The restaurant/retail space will be topped by two floors of apartments and a rooftop terrace accessed via a 1,500-square-foot amenity space for apartment tenants and their guests.
So while a four-story building will be behind the Treehouse pub and face College, a three-story-tall wing of the building will front Professor. Just northwest of the three-story wing are two- and three-story buildings including those for Roasted Tremont coffee shop, Aetomic Marketing’s offices and upstairs apartments.
A 43-space parking lot, roughly half indoors and half outdoors, will be on the ground level of the 0.55-acre development site. The parking lot’s main access will be off College but a secondary access off a narrow called Thurman Street is planned.
The outdoor portion of the parking lot will be hidden by a planned row of thick shrubs to buffer the parking from an adjacent house. That neighboring property on Thurman has approximately half of the land area as that for the proposed apartment building — large by Tremont standards for a single house.

The Treehouse Apartments is shown here wrapping around behind its namesake, The Treehouse pub and patio, which are shown transparently so the proposed building can be seen better. Most apartments will either have a Juliet balcony or a corner balcony. The main parking entrance is at far right (GLSD).
Two of the old houses to be demolished face College. One is a three-unit apartment house at 812 College dating from 1890 and rated by the county to be in excellent condition. The other is a duplex at 808 College, dating from 1870 and rated to be in average-plus condition. Acquiring those properties were affiliates prefaced by “TDGOZ” — The Dalad Group Opportunity Zone, meaning the project is being funded in part by Opportunity Zone funds.
For the Treehouse Apartments, the third house proposed to be razed is at 2290 Thurman, an 1880-built home rated by the county to be in average condition. It has two living areas but is classified in public records as being in a one-family occupancy class. It is not yet owned by an affiliate of the development team, according to county records.
Brad Nosan, PAG’s vice president of leasing and acquisitions, said he had nothing he could share publicly about the Thurman property’s status right now. He also said there was nothing to report on who or what the ground-floor restaurant-retail space facing Professor will be. But Nosan said the multi-family market is strong “especially in an A location like that.”
As for the timing on when site preparations might begin for the Treehouse Apartments in Tremont, Dalad Group President Neil Viny told NEOtrans that their Franklin project in Ohio City is going to start site work first. He said his construction team expects to break ground as early as this spring on the Franklin development.
“The Tremont project is in planning and probably running six months behind Franklin,” Viny said last month.
“They are a great developer,” said Ward 3 Councilman Kerry McCormack, whose ward includes Ohio City, Tremont and Downtown. “They’ve done really high-quality work in Cleveland.”
Two years ago in Ward 3, Dalad Group completed the renovation and residential conversion of the Tinnerman Building, 2038 Fulton Road, just south of Lorain Avenue. Tinnerman Steel Range Co. was located on the site from 1880 to 1957, then moved to a new plant on Brookpark Road. Later, the site was used by Vista Color Imaging and Able Packaging. Dalad renovated the property with 53 apartments for $17 million.