Ohio Department of Transportation

Cleveland seeks one big grant for lakefront connector, Shoreway Blvd, multimodal station

In one of the largest single federal grant requests ever by the city of Cleveland, Mayor Justin Bibb’s administration is seeking $268 million from the federal government to tackle four main lakefront improvement projects simultaneously. The projects, which include reconfiguring the Shoreway highway into a boulevard with intersections, have the backing of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Cuyahoga County and others.

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Cleveland seeks one big grant for lakefront connector, Shoreway Blvd, multimodal station Read More »

Cleveland planners OK 150-foot-tall billboard in Flats

Cleveland City Planning Commission today approved placing a 150-foot-tall pole-mounted billboard at a Flats East Bank property owned by an affiliate of controversial local businessman Tony George. It is the second of three billboards that George has received city permission to build in order to fulfill a court-approved settlement prior to demolishing an oft-vandalized building for the Irishtown Bend Park in Ohio City.

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Cleveland planners OK 150-foot-tall billboard in Flats Read More »

Downtown Lakefront projects flow

Several large-scale projects along downtown Cleveland’s lakefront are moving forward thanks to developments in recent days. In addition to multi-million-dollar grants being awarded for lakefront projects, the City Planning Commission approved plans for the $100 million expansion of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Also, a national nonprofit that promotes racial equity revealed it is partnering with the city on designing an inclusive lakefront. And plans for converting the Shoreway highway into a boulevard are crystalizing but may complicate Amtrak’s passenger rail expansion plans.

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Cleveland’s lakefront may get boost from new stadium, trains, ships

Lots of pieces are coming into place that could greatly impact downtown Cleveland’s lakefront in a very positive way. There are many challenges to be sure, but it seems that the planets are aligning for good things to happen.

These good things center on three basic ingredients — trains/transit, shipping and development.

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Cleveland’s lakefront may get boost from new stadium, trains, ships Read More »

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