Residential Real Estate News

A brief summary of the most relevant and major residential real estate news in Greater Cleveland

Two old Hough walk-ups: two fates

Two century-old, walk-up apartment buildings face each other on East 89th Street in Cleveland’s Hough neighborhood. One is structurally unsound and in danger of collapse after it was neglected by a so-called foundation facing a huge unpaid tax bill. The other will have its renovation and expansion plan reviewed by a committee of the City Planning Commission starting this week after it was bought by a successful, civic-minded local investor.

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Buckeye neighborhood plan sets goals

“That neighborhood has good bones” is often said about an inner-city community as its leaders look for foundations in the area to aid its comeback. Unfortunately, it is not always true the bones are good or if they even exist. But for Cleveland’s Buckeye neighborhood, located on the city’s southeast side, it has a number of features in it or nearby that can be considered good bones on which muscles can be enhanced to regain lost strength.

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