Greater Cleveland

NEOtrans business, development, real estate, construction and market trend news from the Greater Cleveland area

Mayfield Station Apartments next to Little Italy-University Circle Red Line

Circle Square, Ohio City, Van Aken District, Woodhill Station show what’s possible

Putting more residents, jobs and services next to existing rapid transit boosts Greater Cleveland’s quality of life. More real estate developers are recognizing the value to them from investing next to transit, as well as the growing number of public incentives to make those investments. In 2019, Mayfield Station Apartments was rising next to the new Little Italy-University Circle Red Line rail station. More developments like this are happening at more stations in Greater Cleveland

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Circle Square, Ohio City, Van Aken District, Woodhill Station show what’s possible Read More »

Sherwin-Williams’ 2nd HQ tower may rise sooner, not later

A second-phase office tower in Sherwin-Williams’ new global headquarters complex may rise sooner rather than later. In models and on graphics, it was presented almost as an afterthought. It was a featureless box standing in downtown Cleveland at the northeast corner of West Superior Avenue and West 6th Street. Next door, the 600-footer served as a magician’s tool of misdirection, with its primary role as the global headquarters of Sherwin-Williams (SHW)

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Sherwin-Williams’ 2nd HQ tower may rise sooner, not later Read More »

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