These news tidbits are too small for Seeds & Sprouts but are nonetheless important. They include the last two weeks of items that appeared in public records such as building permits, planning commission filings, real estate listings and similar but brief references showing definitive movement in Cleveland-area real estate. They are listed by Cleveland neighborhood (per city-defined planning jurisdiction) and suburbs. Sometimes there’s just too much going on to report it any other way! Thanks to Tykaps/UrbanOhio for providing insights on these tidbits.
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Rehab of 2804 South Moreland is due to begin soon (Google). |
2804 South Moreland Blvd. — Building permits were filed for the rehabilitation of this three-story, 24-unit, 14,130-square-foot apartment building built in 1930. The county rates this property in very poor condition. It was bought Dec. 21, 2018 by Rakefet Landes of Beachwood although he transferred it on May 28, 2019 to 2804 Moreland LLC that lists to his home address. The property is on the southwest corner of South Moreland and Drexmore Road, next to the Shaker Square business district.
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Mixed-use is planned at 12607 Larchmere Blvd. (Google). |
12607 Larchmere Blvd — A 15,500-square-foot structure is proposed to rise on a 0.356-acre lot, according to newly filed building permits. Proposed is residential over a ground-floor commercial space. The street is zoned with a pedestrian retail overlay that requires structures to be built within 5 feet of the sidewalk; heights are limited to 60 feet. The land and its two-story wood warehouse were bought in 2011 by David Davita of Mayfield Village but transferred to his firm 12607 Larchmere LLC on July 15, 2019.
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An 88-unit apartment building is planned at Larchmere Blvd. and East 121 Street on the site of a charter school (Google). |
12201 Larchmere Blvd. — First Interstate Properties proposes building a four-story, 88-unit apartment building on the 1.27-acre site of the Life Skills NE Ohio charter school. The school would be demolished to make way for the apartments, located on the northeast corner of East 121st Street and Larchmere. A Dollar Store was proposed for the property in 2018 but met with neighborhood opposition.
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First phases of Sankofa Village are behind the foreground site of the newer, later phases approved for construction (Google). |
2701-2755 Community College Ave. — The next phases of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Cedar Transformation Plan (Sankofa Village) are moving forward following the filing of building permits for more than 100 housing units that will be mostly, if not all single-family townhomes. Phases one and two recently were completed with 60 apartment units and 50 townhomes. A total of 377 residential units are envisioned for the 17-acre block, replacing 70-year-old, inadequate public housing. Pennrose is the developer.
The approximate site of a residential development being consi- dered by the Spang Bakery’s developers (Cuyahoga County). |
3100 Barber Ave. –?Ben Beckman, an investor behind the conversion of the J. Spang Bakery, 2707 Barber, to market-rate apartments is filing certificates of disclosure with the city to purchase vacant land north of Barber and east of West 32nd Place. Additional nearby properties are in the land bank and are being used as a community garden. The actual size of the development site is unknown. Pursuing new construction in the same area may be a sign that the Spang Bakery apartments are filling up well.
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A recently planned apartment building in Battery Park (LDA). |
1275 West 73rd St. — New construction building permits were filed by Columbus-based Avenue Partners for two new apartment buildings on the east side of West 73rd. Avenue Partners is buying the land from Marous Brothers that began the massive Battery Park development. One building will measure 55,000 square feet and the other 36,000 square feet adding a total of about 250 units and underground parking. A clubhouse and pool will be at the north side of the site. For size comparison, the Battery Park Lofts built in 2018 at 1250 West 75th St. measure 105,000 square feet. Separately, the city of Cleveland will extend Battery Park Boulevard east of West 73rd to West 70th, through the former property of Elite Medical Transportation/Mobile Martin EMS property.
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Proposed Gordon Green party center on Detroit Avenue (Dimit). |
5400 Detroit Ave. — Building permits were issued to a local group of investors led by John E. Lawrence and incorporated as JEL LAW Properties, LLC to renovate Saigon Plaza as a party center called Gordon Green. The 0.88-acre parcel was bought on May 7, 2019. That was where the east-side’s Hawken School planned to build an early-childhood center until it merged with West Park’s Birchwood School. An adjacent parcel along Tillman Avenue was sold July 22, 2019 by JEL LAW Properties to Tillman Partners LLC for $447,000.
Herman Ave. Townhomes to start building (Cuyahoga County). |
5209-5217 Herman Ave. — Stout Properties. LLC received building permits to construct an eight-unit townhouse development called Herman Avenue Townhomes. The project involves demolishing three existing, vacant homes. Also four parcels were recently replotted as nine lots, including a common lot to serve as a driveway and buffer, much like other townhouse developments in the neighborhood. MG2 is the project architect.
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Berusch is pursuing a development on this site at the northeast corner of Euclid Avenue and East 71st Street (Google). |
7107 Euclid Ave. — Euclid 71 LLC, an affiliate of Berusch Development Partners, has acquired nine parcels along the east side of East 71st Street north to Chester Avenue for an unidentified development, presumed to be residential. A brick building owned by Russel J. Papalardo for his A-1 Liquidators at 7107 Euclid is the only structure remaining on these parcels that were acquired in Sept. 24, 2019. This is next to Vazza Real Estate Group’s One Midtown townhouses.
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This abandoned, 160-apartment building has a buyer (Loopnet). |
9410 Hough Ave. — The spillover effect from the growth of University Circle and Cleveland Clinic is putting derelict properties to new uses. Case in point is that an unknown buyer on Dec. 6 reached a sale contract for the vacant 160-unit Kingsbury Apartments (aka Coventry Courts) with seller CLE Venture Fund LP. The 10-story building, built in 1973, had an asking price of $2.3 million. It is next to the new Axis At Ansel apartments, a 163-unit apartment building.
The new East 79th Red Line rapid transit station (GCRTA). |
2625 East 79th St. — Building permits were filed for the $8 million renovation of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority’s East 79th Red Line rapid transit station, replacing the 1955-built facility that isn’t ADA compliant. The rebuilt station will serve the Opportunity Corridor area including the site of the new Cleveland Police Department headquarters and it’s nearly 1,000 employees.
Market Square’s first phase is this V-shaped apartment building along Lorain Avenue. West 25th Street is at right (Harbor Bay). |
2021 West 25th Street — Building permits were issued for phase one of site development for the Market Square project by Harbor Bay Real Estate Advisors, LLC. This will allow the city to start utilities work here on Feb. 1, 2020 and for the developer to start demolition of the Market Plaza shopping center and site excavation work by March 1. Phase one includes a seven-story, 253-unit apartment building over ground-floor retail at the corner of West 25th and Lorain Ave. Remaining retailers at the plaza are on month-to-month leases.
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NRP Group’s Slavic Village Gateway development (NRP). |
5163 Broadway Ave. — Building permits were filed for the construction of the Slavic Village Gateway development, to be built by NRP Group of Cleveland. To built on 5.25 acres of land, the development’s first phase will have 78 apartments and 10 townhomes along with 21,000-square-foot of ground-floor commercial spaces. One of the tenants is the University Settlement. Slavic Village Gateway will rise on the site of St. Michael/St. Alexis Hospital which closed in 2003 after 119 years of service.
A 3.4-acre parcel in Duck Island is for sale (Cuyahoga County). |
2000 Lorain Ave. — Andrew Brickman’s Brickhaus Partners is no longer pursuing an ambitious development that many consider is in Ohio City. One West Twenty actually is in the Duck Island enclave. Instead, Brickhaus has listed for sale the larger of two plots of land it assembled in recent years. It is asking $7.25 million for the 3.4 acres of land but will retain 1.32 acres of land between West 19th and 20th streets, north of Lorain Ave.
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Developments on three of the four corners at Scranton-Willey- Kenilworth will change this scene in the coming years (Google). |
2329 West 16th Pl. — As 3004 St. Clair, LLC, real estate investor David Ferrante acquired a brick warehouse and 0.42 acres of land at the northeast corner of Scranton Road and Kenilworth Avenue on Sept. 9, 2019 for $1 million. His intentions for the site became clear when he began a Design-Review case for an eight-unit townhouse development called Due North Townhomes. This intersection is attracting developments, starting with Gustave Development’s 11 Scranton. Another Gustave development is proposed at the northwest corner of Scranton and Willey Avenue. And Sustainable Community Associates is planning roughly 83 residences on the southwest corner of Scranton and Willey.
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Blue Sky Brews replaces Rising Star Coffee Roasters (Google). |
2187 Murray Hill Road — A coffee and beer spot called Blue Sky Brews is coming to the southeast corner of Edgehill Road recently vacated by Rising Star Coffee Roasters. The location is on the ground floor of a three-story apartment building, close to Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals. This Rising Star store moved to 1975 Lee Road in Cleveland Heights.