Development News

Data-rich and deep analytical information about Greater Cleveland development news

Circle Square plan was big, gets bigger

When Midwest Development Partners first announced its Circle Square plan five years ago, then-called University Circle City Center or UC3, it was considered bold and ambitious.

Cleveland in 2015 was still shaking off the body blows it took from the Great Recession and even from the early-2000s recession before that. But this was University Circle — Cleveland’s fastest-growing employment hub.

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Megaproject tax credit slowed by Primary, Larrys’ feud

A bill intended to provide significant capital to megaprojects in Ohio’s largest urban areas and lesser assistance to real estate developments in smaller communities has sped up and slowed down at various times over the past few years. Now, Substitute Senate Bill 39, the Transformational Mixed-Use Development (TMUD) tax credit, is back in the slow lane, awaiting two votes.

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Megaproject tax credit slowed by Primary, Larrys’ feud Read More »

City Block project at Tower City faces challenges post-SHW

One of the downtown properties in the running for Sherwin-Williams (SHW) headquarters plus research and development (HQ+R&D) facilities was Bedrock Cleveland’s Tower City Center.

But when SHW chose to put its HQ elsewhere downtown and its R&D facilities in Brecksville, Bedrock lost out on landing a major anchor tenant for its ambitious, multi-phase City Block development, located in and south of Tower City Center.

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City Block project at Tower City faces challenges post-SHW Read More »

Ohio City’s Church+State rising to be a Hingetown hub

After the first few minutes of talking with Graham Veysey, it’s apparent that he appreciates cities and their primary purpose of causing personal interaction. In his businesses and neighborhood initiatives focused on the Hingetown section of Ohio City, he has attempted to spur more and different ways for people to interact.

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Ohio City’s Church+State rising to be a Hingetown hub Read More »

Sherwin-Williams, Stark, Realife & the fate of an historic Superblock survivor

Downtown Cleveland’s largest parking crater, the so-called “Superblock” where Sherwin-Williams (SHW) plans to build its new headquarters, has a sole survivor among its once vast building stock.
That monolith is set off to one corner of the Superblock, named because its sea of parking is actually spread among two blocks, separated by the one-way alley Frankfort Ave.

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