West 25th Street

Bridgeworks design evolves again – minus hotel

An ever-changing lending market has caused designs to change again for the proposed Bridgeworks development, 2429 W. Superior in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood. Some things were noticeably different in the plans — no hotel, no retail/restaurants, a big increase in the number of apartments, and a variety of colors and materials in the façade which, at first glance, makes the long building look like five or six structures.

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Ohio City retail defies recent trends

This spring, the flowers aren’t the only things blooming in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood. So are the new stores and plans for more, including restaurants and cafes. While many new and renovated buildings have opened elsewhere in the city, their ground-floor retail spaces tend to fill with a pre-programmed routine of bank branches, coffee shops, the occasional bar/restaurant, art gallery, or stay empty for a long time.

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Cleveland’s new Bridgeworks plan takes next steps

Bridgeworks, a mixed-use development proposed in Cleveland’s Hingetown section of Ohio City that’s gone through several iterations, will be back in front of city design-review panels this month in the hopes of getting construction started this year. If approvals are granted, demolition of existing buildings at the northeast corner of West 25th Street and the Detroit-Superior Bridge could start in the coming months.

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Great Lakes Brewing confirms relocation options

In a statement issued today by Great Lakes Brewing Company (GLBC), their chief executive officer confirmed NEOtrans’ report from last week that it is considering relocating its production facilities from Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood and packaging facility in Strongsville to a site in Avon. The press statement also confirmed it hasn’t ruled out continuing with its plans to relocate them to Scranton Peninsula in Cleveland’s Flats. And it will retain its Ohio City brewpub and gift shop. More than 200 jobs are involved among all of GLBC’s facilities.

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Tremont’s Lincoln Hts apartments start

Hidden away behind houses and trees, construction on another large development in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood got under way this week. And while this latest development project is largely shielded from view, it simultaneously reveals the continuing strength of Cleveland’s multi-family market as well as the comparative weakness of its for-sale housing market. That’s especially true in certain neighborhoods that, starting next year, will lose their ability to offer 100 percent property tax abatement for new, for-sale homes.

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Tremont’s Lincoln Hts apartments start Read More »

Bridgeworks grows by shrinking

In Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood, and in the face of financial headwinds affecting projects nationwide, the long-planned Bridgeworks development underwent a major redesign that would cut costs and add more space by filling land, not the sky. Gone is a 16-story building and separate parking garage, replaced by a single, seven-story building that incorporates parking within a structure that fills out more of the 2.13-acre site at the west end of the Detroit-Superior Bridge. The revised plans will be reviewed by the city’s design-review boards in the coming weeks. Financing from the city, Cuyahoga County and Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority was arranged last spring.

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Bridgeworks grows by shrinking Read More »

Shoving ye spades into the leitir

Today was a hooley 175 years in the making. Hundreds of people celebrated today on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, across the waters from the lietir, or hillside where work is already starting to stabilize a slope on which Irish immigrants settled under difficult circumstances long ago. Today, their struggle is about to be memorialized with the $100-plus million Irishtown Bend Park.

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Ohio City buildings to be razed for Bridgeworks

Two historic buildings are proposed to be torn down for a 16-story, mixed-use development in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood, despite information that financing, including the use of air rights, for the high-rise is still being finalized. A demolition permit application was filed Aug. 4 by architects for Bridgeworks LLC with the city’s Building Department following recent approvals of the demolitions by the city’s Landmarks Commission and a design review committee. But the approvals by those two panels in the City Planning Commission were made with the presumption that the overall Bridgeworks development would be carried out.

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Ohio City buildings to be razed for Bridgeworks Read More »

Voss factory conversion comes into focus

Legislation was introduced this week by several Cleveland City Council members to help finance the conversion of the abandoned Voss Industries plant, 2168 W. 25th St., in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood into a mixed-use complex. The projected price tag to carry out the redo is at least $62 million. While the property’s owner and developer MRN Ltd. has been kicking around various ideas for reusing the property for the last couple of years, none of those concepts have advanced as far as this stage of nailing down its financing for a specific program.

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Hulett Hotel plans make a comeback

Six years ago, Mark Raymond planned a 25-room boutique inn called the Hulett Hotel with a mix of new construction and renovation at 1452-1468 W. 25th St. in the Hingetown section of Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood but the plan faded into memory during the pandemic. Today, he’s raising some eyebrows in the neighborhood by going bigger at a time when many real estate developers are putting construction plans on hold.

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