Trending development, economic & real estate news

Next steps for Bedrock’s riverfront development

On Friday July 12, representatives of Bedrock Real Estate will make a presentation to Cleveland’s City Planning Commission about the upcoming steps they will take to ready the site for their ambitious $3.5 billion riverfront development plan. But a majority of those early steps boil down to just…
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Cleveland to make prime Ohio City site available

For years, the underutilized McCafferty Health Center at 4242 Lorain Ave. in Cleveland’s booming Ohio City neighborhood has been a topic of interest among real estate developers and community leaders. Today, Cleveland city officials announced they will soon be entertaining proposals for the site’s development.
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Watterson-Lake development awarded financing

Key pieces of financing were awarded this week to a significant development planned on the south side of the intersection of Detroit and Lake avenues in Cleveland’s Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood. There, a 136-unit affordable housing project could see construction start by early next year on the site of the…
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Haslam’s mini-downtown – at Brook Park or Burke?

The Haslam Sports Group plans more than a billion dollars worth of new development surrounding their proposed new domed stadium. But is that necessarily going to be in the Cleveland suburb of Brook Park? With an emerging effort by city officials to close and redevelop Burke Lakefront Airport,…
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Severance Center remake in the works

Severance Town Center is considered by Cleveland Heights Mayor Kahlil Seren as his community’s greatest development opportunity and challenge. That challenge has been taken on by MPACT Collective of Long Island, NY by signing a master developer agreement with Namdar Realty Group which owns much of Severance Center’s…
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affordable housing apartments business Campus District City Planning Commission Cleveland Cleveland Clinic Construction Cuyahoga County Cuyahoga River demolition development downtown Cleveland Euclid Avenue GCRTA Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority investment jobs Lakefront Lakewood Mayor Justin Bibb mixed-use development NEOtrans Ohio City Opportunity Corridor pandemic real estate Retail Seeds and sprouts TMUD transit Tremont University Circle West 25th Street

Greater Cleveland economic, real estate, development, construction news

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