Trending development, economic & real estate news

Staff reductions to hit Sherwin-Williams HQ

With Sherwin-Williams due to move into its new headquarters tower in Downtown Cleveland later this year, there may be fewer managers making that move. That’s according to two company sources who told NEOtrans on the condition of anonymity that Sherwin-Williams is downsizing its headquarters staff, primarily through early…
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Shaker Square demolition to avail housing site

Although the demolition of an historic retail strip in Cleveland’s Shaker Square district was on Landmarks Commission’s docket, much of the panel’s discussion focused on what might follow the demolition. Ultimately, the commission unanimously approved razing the two-structured Van Aken Plaza located at 2742-2782 Van Aken Blvd. for…
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Watterson-Lake Apartments design approved

Efforts by city officials to repopulate Cleveland neighborhoods don’t always go smoothly when residents and community officials have gotten used to not having people, density and activity around for decades. But a mixed-use project intended to restore some of that urbanity got approved today by the Landmarks Commission…
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Senior affordable housing deal OK’d in Cleveland Hts

City officials in Cleveland Heights today announced they have entered into a purchase agreement with National Church Residences (NCR), a Columbus-based non-profit senior housing developer, to acquire two city-owned properties for a planned $22 million, 71-unit, senior affordable-rate apartment building.
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Cleveland competed for Canon — and won

When the Ohio Tax Credit Authority on Monday approved financial assistance to Canon Healthcare USA Inc. for its new headquarters in Cleveland, state officials revealed that Ohio wasn’t the only state that was focused on the Japanese-based imaging company. NEOtrans also learned details of Canon’s property lease with…
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St. Theodosius Cathedral restoration plan set

A team of contractors, architects and structural engineers is about to start visible efforts of what is more than just a job, but a vocation. That calling is to restore the 114-year-old St. Theodosius Cathedral in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood to its former glory, from the ashes of a…
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affordable housing apartments business Campus District City Planning Commission Cleveland Cleveland Clinic Construction Cuyahoga County Cuyahoga River demolition development downtown Cleveland Euclid Avenue GCRTA Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority investment jobs Lakefront Lakewood Mayor Justin Bibb mixed-use development NEOtrans Ohio City Opportunity Corridor pandemic real estate Retail Seeds and sprouts TMUD transit Tremont University Circle West 25th Street

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